Studio + multiple sparse

  • When use this: sparse cameras, hard to initialize for colmap;
  • Idea: Chessboard for initialization. Merge feature points from different frames and BA together.
  • Here you can find the example data.


├── ground1f
│   └── images
└── intri
    └── images





# detect the chessboard
python3 apps/calibration/ ${root}/intri --out ${root}/intri/output --pattern 9,6 --grid 0.1
# detect the chessboard
python3 apps/calibration/ ${root}/ground1f --out ${root}/ground1f/output --pattern 9,6 --grid 0.1 --check
# Run this if auto-detect failed
python3 apps/annotation/ ${root}/ground1f --mode chessboard --annot chessboard


# calibrate the intrinsic
python3 apps/calibration/ ${root}/intri
# calibrate the extrinsic
python3 apps/calibration/ ${root}/ground1f --intri ${root}/intri/output/intri.yml

Check the calibration

python3 apps/calibration/ ${root}/ground1f --out ${root}/ground1f --mode cube --write

Check ${root}/ground1f/cube, or run with flag --show to visualize.


Previous step is enough for camera calibration. The next step is for the advanced developers.

Capture a static scene with multiple person and calibrate them with colmap.

python3 apps/calibration/ ${root}/human519 --init ${root}/ground1f --out /mnt/data2/shuai/calib-zjumocap --colmap ${colmap}

Studio + multiple sparse videos

  • When use this: sparse cameras, hard to initialize for colmap;
  • Idea: Merge features from multiple frames => calibrate with colmap => scale and align with chessboard
  • Here you can find the example data.
├── 506
├── 508
└── ground1f

Run colmap

python3 apps/calibration/ ${root} ${root}/calib --share_camera --step 100 --seqs 506 508
$colmap gui --database_path ${root}/calib/merged/database.db --image_path ${root}/calib/merged/images --import_path ${root}/calib/merged/sparse/0

Align with the chessboard

python3 apps/calibration/ ${root}/ground1f --out ${root}/ground1f/output --pattern 9,6 --grid 0.1
python3 apps/calibration/ ${root}/calib/merged/sparse/0 ${root}/colmap-align --plane_by_chessboard ${root}/ground1f --scale2d 0.5
cp ${root}/colmap-align/*.yml ${root}/506
cp ${root}/colmap-align/*.yml ${root}/508