Papers with tag self-supervised
- On Triangulation as a Form of Self-Supervision for 3D Human Pose EstimationSoumava Kumar Roy, Leonardo Citraro, Sina Honari, and Pascal FuaIn 2022
Supervised approaches to 3D pose estimation from single images are remarkablyeffective when labeled data is abundant. However, as the acquisition ofground-truth 3D labels is labor intensive and time consuming, recent attentionhas shifted towards semi- and weakly-supervised learning. Generating aneffective form of supervision with little annotations still poses majorchallenge in crowded scenes. In this paper we propose to impose multi-viewgeometrical constraints by means of a weighted differentiable triangulation anduse it as a form of self-supervision when no labels are available. We thereforetrain a 2D pose estimator in such a way that its predictions correspond to there-projection of the triangulated 3D pose and train an auxiliary network onthem to produce the final 3D poses. We complement the triangulation with aweighting mechanism that alleviates the impact of noisy predictions caused byself-occlusion or occlusion from other subjects. We demonstrate theeffectiveness of our semi-supervised approach on Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHPdatasets, as well as on a new multi-view multi-person dataset that featuresocclusion.
@inproceedings{2203.15865, title = {On Triangulation as a Form of Self-Supervision for 3D Human Pose Estimation}, author = {Roy, Soumava Kumar and Citraro, Leonardo and Honari, Sina and Fua, Pascal}, year = {2022}, tags = {human, mv, 1p, 3dpose, e2e, self-supervised}, }
- Self-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation in Static Video Via Neural RenderingLuca Schmidtke, Benjamin Hou, Athanasios Vlontzos, and Bernhard KainzIn 2022
Inferring 3D human pose from 2D images is a challenging and long-standingproblem in the field of computer vision with many applications including motioncapture, virtual reality, surveillance or gait analysis for sports andmedicine. We present preliminary results for a method to estimate 3D pose from2D video containing a single person and a static background without the needfor any manual landmark annotations. We achieve this by formulating a simpleyet effective self-supervision task: our model is required to reconstruct arandom frame of a video given a frame from another timepoint and a renderedimage of a transformed human shape template. Crucially for optimisation, ourray casting based rendering pipeline is fully differentiable, enabling end toend training solely based on the reconstruction task.
@inproceedings{2210.04514, title = {Self-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation in Static Video Via Neural Rendering}, author = {Schmidtke, Luca and Hou, Benjamin and Vlontzos, Athanasios and Kainz, Bernhard}, year = {2022}, tags = {pose-estimation, neural-rendering, self-supervised}, }
- Learning Temporal 3D Human Pose Estimation with Pseudo-LabelsArij Bouazizi, Ulrich Kressel, and Vasileios BelagiannisIn 2021
We present a simple, yet effective, approach for self-supervised 3D humanpose estimation. Unlike the prior work, we explore the temporal informationnext to the multi-view self-supervision. During training, we rely ontriangulating 2D body pose estimates of a multiple-view camera system. Atemporal convolutional neural network is trained with the generated 3Dground-truth and the geometric multi-view consistency loss, imposinggeometrical constraints on the predicted 3D body skeleton. During inference,our model receives a sequence of 2D body pose estimates from a single-view topredict the 3D body pose for each of them. An extensive evaluation shows thatour method achieves state-of-the-art performance in the Human3.6M andMPI-INF-3DHP benchmarks. Our code and models are publicly available at\url
@inproceedings{temporal3d, title = {Learning Temporal 3D Human Pose Estimation with Pseudo-Labels}, author = {Bouazizi, Arij and Kressel, Ulrich and Belagiannis, Vasileios}, year = {2021}, tags = {human, monocular, 1p, 3dpose, self-supervised}, }
- Self-supervised Multi-view Person Association and Its ApplicationsMinh Vo, Ersin Yumer, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Sunil Hadap, Yaser Sheikh, and Srinivasa NarasimhanIn 2018
Reliable markerless motion tracking of people participating in a complexgroup activity from multiple moving cameras is challenging due to frequentocclusions, strong viewpoint and appearance variations, and asynchronous videostreams. To solve this problem, reliable association of the same person acrossdistant viewpoints and temporal instances is essential. We present aself-supervised framework to adapt a generic person appearance descriptor tothe unlabeled videos by exploiting motion tracking, mutual exclusionconstraints, and multi-view geometry. The adapted discriminative descriptor isused in a tracking-by-clustering formulation. We validate the effectiveness ofour descriptor learning on WILDTRACK [14] and three new complex social scenescaptured by multiple cameras with up to 60 people "in the wild". We reportsignificant improvement in association accuracy (up to 18%) and stable andcoherent 3D human skeleton tracking (5 to 10 times) over the baseline. Usingthe reconstructed 3D skeletons, we cut the input videos into a multi-anglevideo where the image of a specified person is shown from the best visiblefront-facing camera. Our algorithm detects inter-human occlusion to determinethe camera switching moment while still maintaining the flow of the actionwell.
@inproceedings{MVPAssociation, title = {Self-supervised Multi-view Person Association and Its Applications}, author = {Vo, Minh and Yumer, Ersin and Sunkavalli, Kalyan and Hadap, Sunil and Sheikh, Yaser and Narasimhan, Srinivasa}, year = {2018}, tags = {human, mv, mp, 3dpose, self-supervised}, }