In this paper we present a high fidelity and articulated 3D human foot model.The model is parameterised by a disentangled latent code in terms of shape,texture and articulated pose. While high fidelity models are typically createdwith strong supervision such as 3D keypoint correspondences orpre-registration, we focus on the difficult case of little to no annotation. Tothis end, we make the following contributions: (i) we develop a Foot ImplicitNeural Deformation field model, named FIND, capable of tailoring explicitmeshes at any resolution i.e. for low or high powered devices; (ii) an approachfor training our model in various modes of weak supervision with progressivelybetter disentanglement as more labels, such as pose categories, are provided;(iii) a novel unsupervised part-based loss for fitting our model to 2D imageswhich is better than traditional photometric or silhouette losses; (iv)finally, we release a new dataset of high resolution 3D human foot scans,Foot3D. On this dataset, we show our model outperforms a strong PCAimplementation trained on the same data in terms of shape quality and partcorrespondences, and that our novel unsupervised part-based loss improvesinference on images.
@inproceedings{FIND,title={FIND: An Unsupervised Implicit 3D Model of Articulated Human Feet},author={Boyne, Oliver and Charles, James and Cipolla, Roberto},year={2022},tags={human, feet, human-representation, implicit-model},}