Papers with tag motion-prediction
- Contact-aware Human Motion ForecastingWei Mao, Miaomiao Liu, Richard Hartley, and Mathieu SalzmannIn 2022
In this paper, we tackle the task of scene-aware 3D human motion forecasting,which consists of predicting future human poses given a 3D scene and a pasthuman motion. A key challenge of this task is to ensure consistency between thehuman and the scene, accounting for human-scene interactions. Previous attemptsto do so model such interactions only implicitly, and thus tend to produceartifacts such as "ghost motion" because of the lack of explicit constraintsbetween the local poses and the global motion. Here, by contrast, we propose toexplicitly model the human-scene contacts. To this end, we introducedistance-based contact maps that capture the contact relationships betweenevery joint and every 3D scene point at each time instant. We then develop atwo-stage pipeline that first predicts the future contact maps from the pastones and the scene point cloud, and then forecasts the future human poses byconditioning them on the predicted contact maps. During training, we explicitlyencourage consistency between the global motion and the local poses via a priordefined using the contact maps and future poses. Our approach outperforms thestate-of-the-art human motion forecasting and human synthesis methods on bothsynthetic and real datasets. Our code is available at
@inproceedings{2210.03954, title = {Contact-aware Human Motion Forecasting}, author = {Mao, Wei and Liu, Miaomiao and Hartley, Richard and Salzmann, Mathieu}, year = {2022}, tags = {motion-prediction, contact}, }